
 The Aims of Scouting 

Character development, citizenship training, and mental and physical fitness

The Methods of Scouting

The Ideals

The Scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan. A Scout measures himself against these ideals and continually tries to improve.


The patrol methods gives Scouts experience in group living and participatory citizenship.


Scouting provides a series of obstacles to overcome and goals to reach through the advancement method. The ranks of Scouting are:

  • Scout
  • Tenderfoot
  • Second Class
  • First Class
  • Star
  • Life
  • Eagle

Adult Association

Boys learn from the examples set by their adult leaders.


Boy Scouting is designed to take place outdoors.

Personal Growth

As Scouts plan their activities and progress toward their goals, they experience personal growth.


The uniform makes the Scout troop visible as a force for good, creates a positive youth image in the community, and gives a sense of belonging.