The Meaning of the Eagle Badge

The Meaning of the Eagle Badge


The foremost responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor.  Honor is the foundation of all character.  Character is what one really is, deep down inside.  An Eagle will so live that he reflects well on his home, his church, his school, his friends, and himself.  May the white of your badge remind you to live with honor.


The second responsibility of an Eagle Scout is loyalty.  Without loyalty all character lacks direction.  An Eagle is loyal to his ideals.  An Eagle is loyal to his family, friends, and his community.  May the blue of the Eagle badge inspire your loyalty.


The third obligation of the Eagle Scout is courage.  Courage gives all character, force, and strength.  Trusting in God and with faith in his fellow man, an Eagle Scout can face each day unafraid and seek his share of the world’s work to do.  Let the red of the Eagle badge stand for your courage.


The final obligation of the Eagle Scout is service.  The Eagle extends a helping hand to those who still toil up the trail.  The performance of a daily good deed takes on a new meaning when you enter a life of continuing service to others.  An Eagle protects and defends the weak and helpless.  He aids the unfortunate.  He upholds the rights of others.  His code of action is based on real service.  May the motto “Be Prepared” always remind you that as an Eagle Scout you are best prepared to be of service to others.  May the watchful eagle suspended from the ribbon remind you to perform that service when opportunities arise.